onsdag 20 april 2011

First off, as we are to write about ANYTHING, I want to apologize to the people doing their Peer-to-Peer feedback using my blog. I totally missed this assignment.. But at least I'm on it now!!!

So.. Write freely about anything... Maybe I should take this opportunity to treat this blog like a blog or a diary of some sorts...

I left Karlstad a few days earlier than most of my friends, to go back home to celebrate Easter. We don't really celebrate, it's just a good reason to go home and spend some time with family and friends I suppose.
It's sort of bitter-sweet to leave Karlstad. It has really become a home to me.. and not like other students might see Karlstad, as a home away from home, but it has really grown on me. My grandma would probably start to cry if she saw this, she wants me to live here in Kville and build a house nearby - actually doubt that will happen.

My plans for this vacation are like plans for a vacation should be, relaxed... to some extent. Got an exam next Friday so there won't be any rest from that. Never is... Other than that, I'm hoping to get some time to see old friends I haven't seen for a very long time and to really fill up my lungs with some salt-water air!!

My grandma just called... We're having mackerel, spinach and home-grown boiled potatoes...
Don't think life gets any better than that ?! =)