tisdag 21 december 2010

blog assignment 3

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. 
Fire and Ice, Robert Frost
Introduction of Eclipse

I have actually, in a relatively short period of time, read the first, second, third and half of the fourth book in the Twilight Saga; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
- I LOVE them!
Most people have probably heard about it, but I’ll just give a very brief introduction.
Bella is that main character. She moves to “the wettest place in the continental US” (as gorgeous Edward describes it) where she meets said gorgeous person. However, turns out that Edward is a vampire, but a good one! They don’t feed on humans or anything… good (dead) people. Another character who gets a lot of the attention, especially staring in the second book, is Native American boy Jacob, who (believe it or not) is not completely human either! He’s a werewolf!! How crazy is that?! And then, the three of them have to deal with the craziest things that happen.

I have a tendency to get really, really passionate about things, when I come across something that interests me. And at the moment it’s like that for me with the Twilight Saga. It’s not like I’m like those die-hard fans that have posters of team Jacob or Edward all over their rooms, but I would still say I’m a pretty devoted one. It’s quite ironic how this passion of mine came to be… My brother told me a few years back, that he had just seen a movie, called Twilight, and he wanted us to see it. I asked him “what’s it about?” and he said it was about vampires and this girl etc. etc. And I just thought there’s NO WAY I’ll sit down, for 2 hours, to watch a movie about VAMPIRES?! Is he going crazy?! He kept on bugging me about watching the movie and I still refused.
This last fall, I spent 2 months in Thailand, and after a month I got really bored and had absolutely nothing to read so I went to a bookstore and I saw they had all four books in the series. I thought; well, soo many people have read the books and seen the movies so… I’ll give them a try. 2 days later, I went back, bought the rest of the books, AND the Twilight movie. – I was a girl on an Edward-high! 

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