måndag 4 oktober 2010

Snooping bosses

As I read the article about the snooping bosses I started thinking about pros and cons to surveillance of the public. I once watched a movie about English football hooliganism and in the movie the main character is asked to put his hood on when entering a stadium and the reason for that is that London is the most watched-over city in the world.
-Is that really such a bad thing?
In today’s society it almost feels like you can’t trust anyone. And honestly, if there were more surveillance equipment in cities and public places around Sweden, maybe we’d all feel a little bit safer at night. With not only one, but two young persons disappearing, with out a trace, in Gothenburg in the past few weeks I’m thinking that there’s nothing to loose by putting some cameras up. By having surveillance cameras at bus stops, outside pubs and clubs and other public places maybe perpetrators would think twice before assaulting random, innocent people. It would probably also be very helpful to the police and court to settle fights and disputes.

In the article I also read about transmitters being embedded in to pretty much anything, from ID cards to hospital bracelets and I’m actually not totally against that either, as long as it’s done with the purpose of keeping track of say; young children, or maybe even teenagers. No, maybe the last one is a bit extreme, I don’t think teenagers would agree to that. My point is that as long as it’s used to keep someone safe and not misuse and stalk then what’s the harm? I guess it would be really difficult to keep track of who is using the device so I have a feeling it’s not going to happen.

The issue of the article was mainly about being monitored at work and I’m a bit torn on the subject. Again, I keep coming back to the same reason for monitoring or not monitoring. If the reason is to keep other people safe and from being hurt then the employers should do it, but not only doing it because they can or to show his or hers ranking in the company.

If you got nothing to hide, then why oppose?

3 kommentarer:

  1. Alexandra, I totally agree with the first part of your text. Although I focused on my reflection about these matters at work, I think security in the streets is very important. And it would be much safer if security were stronger. This way a lot of problems as the ones in Gothemburg would dissapear.

    On the contrary, I cannot agree with you regarding security in teenagers. This is totally against people rights, since maybe this kind of security in teenagers could be used in a total different way.

  2. I currently live in United Kingdom, and where I live there is CCTV everywhere. I think most streets and corners are covered by this system. Yet there is huge problems with gangs attacking people outdoors. When under influence of drugs or your group of friends I don't think surveillance helps that much against these type of crimes.

    However I can see CCTV being an important part of solving crimes.

  3. Interesting thoughts. One thing that I keep thinking of is the embedded transmitters. Sure they could be used to keep someone safe like you said, but what will stop people from misusing and stalking? There is a fine line there that will be hard not to cross.
    Inserting them in babies to track might not be such a bad idea. But some sort of system would have to be in place where they would be removed after a certain amount of years. Or maybe that the tracking device has a lifespan of 5-10 years and after that it stops working and the body disolves it.
