söndag 14 november 2010

Blog assignment 2

Okay, so a few things came to my mind when I watched this clip...
Firstly I actually had a problem concentrating, because the images looked like they were vibrating, and I can get really annoyed at things like that. All in all, though, it was very cute and pedagogical and quite easy to understand.
The part of consumerism was the most interesting to me, because I'm very interested general behaviour science and also in the behaviour of consumers. It really fascinates me to read or hear about why people do or act in certain ways on different occasions. I wonder if there are any behaviour science-classes at Uni...

Secondly, a feeling popped up as I watched the clip and that was annoyance towards America actually. America is world-leading in both negative and positive senses as Americans consume the most in the world, and production is super-high. But at the same time, when America and Americans should be the one for other countries to look up to, they don't do enough to set a good example, and that really annoys me. Of course we could, here in Sweden, do more I guess, (I'm honestly not that in to the whole debate about the greenhouse effect and other environmental discussions) but I'm thinking that its hard for such a small country to make an impact and a change in other countries. The bigger countries should really be the ones taking the lead when it comes to this.

Annie Leonard also gave an example of  when she was buying a radio for 4.95, and when she really thought about it she realised that she didn't pay enough for the product and the production of it. I have never thought of it that way, I've always just gone for the less expensive product. It was really an eye-opener and I hope I'll remember to think about this, not just today but tomorrow as well.

...Ironically enough, I'm soon headed off to Ullared to do some Christmas shopping...